What services does Jonny Braun offer?

Piano tuning, cleaning, and repair services.

What is the cost of service?

If a piano has been tuned to Concert Pitch (A-440) within the past two years, the cost is generally $175.*
If a piano has not been tuned to Concert Pitch within the past two years, it will likely need a preliminary Pitch Correction, or leveling out of the pitch, before being tuned. The cost is generally $275.**

Uprights: $75
Grands: $200

$100/hr + Parts if Needed
Sticking keys and other basic repairs generally cost $30-$150.
Pedal repairs generally cost $30-$150.

MILEAGE: $1 per additional minute if 30+ minutes beyond Springdale-Fayetteville Border

*Significant temperature/humidity fluctuations around the piano, for example, A/C or Heat being turned down 10+ degrees during a vacation, often cause a piano to go out of tune sooner. In this case, a Pitch Correction for an additional $50-$100 may be required, depending on the state of the tune.
**If a piano is close to being an entire whole step flat, and the owner would like it tuned to Concert Pitch, it often will require a follow-up tune for $175 (in addition to the $275).

What forms of payment are accepted?

Venmo, Paypal, Cashapp, cash, or check.

What ares does Jonny service?

Jonny services Northwest Arkansas, Southwest Missouri, and Northeast Oklahoma.

Does Jonny teach piano?

Jonny no longer offers music lessons, but can recommend teachers, please text 479-685-5492.